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why designers are refusing to dress melania trump

If you're like me, the past few weeks post-election have been pretty rough in a number of ways. You look at the division, turmoil, and chaos that is brewing in our country amongst our own people, and our president-elect. Everything seems pretty troubling. The political world has been turned upside down and backwards because of this election. It seems like there are no rules, no precedents, and everyone is unsure of the future, regardless of what your opinions are.

I don't think that there's been a presidential candidate, let alone president-elect that has been quite like Donald Trump. He's sparked outrage amongst millions of people who have begun to resist his hateful rhetoric, actions, and forthcomings. At least in my lifetime, I have never seen anything quite like what's happening today, and thats troublesome for a number of reasons. History repeats itself, and the United States is in for a rude awakening sooner rather than later.

Amongst literally several tens of millions of other people in this country, and those who are watching us from abroad, I have nothing but negative things to say about Donald Trump. Designers and public figures in the fashion industry have begun to take a stance, as well. One designer, Sophie Theallet, has publicly stated that she is not going to be dressing the soon-to-be first lady Melania Trump, and encourages other fellow designers to do the same.

"As one who celebrates and strives for diversity, individual freedom and respect for all lifestyles, I will not participate in dressing or associating in any way with the next First Lady," Sophie Theallet wrote in a letter earlier this month.

“The rhetoric of racism, sexism, and xenophobia unleashed by her husband’s presidential campaign are incompatible with the shared values we live by," she wrote.

“I am well aware it is not wise to get involved in politics. That said, as a family-owned company, our bottom line is not just about money. We value our artistic freedom and always humbly seek to contribute to a more humane, conscious and ethical way to create in this world.”

Theallet appears to be the first designer to boycott Melania Trump before the former model is officially the first lady. While other designers have spoken out against Donald Trump, they’ve still expressed a willingness to dress his wife, and are not impacted by her husband's political actions. These are people that have the privilege of simply "overlooking" the horror this man has already induced, because they will not receive virtually any consequences during his presidency.

Personally, I admire the bravery of Sophie Thalleat. She is willing to put her own personal values of humanity and human decency above her business and to me, that says a lot about who she is as a person. She would rather serve a clientele that is respectful, rather than overtly corrupt. Many are questioning if this will economically hurt her business, and I have two things to say about that.

1) I completely disagree. I think any designer that decides to work with the Trump's knows exactly how people are going to perceive them. Basically, they would be considered guilty by association. By putting your name next to someone else's who supports such authoritarian, racist, and hateful policies, you are tarnishing your own name and brand as a result. Do you really want to project that kind of image for yourself? The fashion industry has been politically left for years now. Several fashion publications even came out to publicly endorse Hillary Clinton during the election. People often think that politics and fashion aren't necessarily connected, but there's more to it than meets the eye.

2) Even if her business suffered in the slightest capacity, I believe it would have been worth it. It's time the fashion industry stop being so profit motivated and start thinking about the people they are serving, and the image they put out to the world. Does integrity hold no value in the fashion world? At what cost would her business be lost? One that holds their clients to a higher standard. One that has a set of morals.

People like Sophie Thalleat keep the fashion industry grounded. She is performing her civic duty from the position that she is in to make her voice heard, and inspire others. Her actions have very much so brought everyone back to reality for a second, and humbled others. Everyone seems to get so lost in the fact that they might lose a few bucks here and there, until they realize that money isn't the center of everything. It should NEVER be anyone's #1 motive. Quality of life, respect, and compassion, are all values I think Sophie Thalleat shares with many others, including myself. She has set a prime example for people in the fashion industry, and I hope others follow along in her footsteps.

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