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winter must haves

Halloween is officially over and sadly, Fall is coming to a close sooner rather than later. It seems like Winter has completely snuck up on us this year, like it usually does. And if you live in a generally cold area like I do, you go through that winter shopping haul phase every year around this time. Your boots from last year are ruined by the salt, and some of your old sweaters are starting to pill up. Here's my top picks for what you should have in your closet this winter:

1) A cashmere sweater, or three.

Sweaters are an essential part of any winter wardrobe. They are the basis of every outfit. They're warm as hell, comfortable as hell, and you need a million of them.

2) A faux-fur muff.

If you have a soft spot for classic looks like I do, a faux-fur muff is a perfect way to bring in that sense of elegance this winter. You might ask, "Why the hell would I wear this? I can't move my hands or anything." Well, when there's a blizzard outside and you're walking through your school parking lot searching for warmth, you can thank me later. You can even hold your phone or keys inside of it.

3) A statement coat.

Coats, coats, and more coats. I swear on the inside, I'm really an old lady that lived in the '60s who has a strange passion for fancy coats. Instead of wearing that old North Face or Columbia you've had for 4+ years, take advantage of the fact that you can wear a fancy coat that also provides warmth. Don't take layering for granted, because this is the season to do it.

4) A wrap scarf.

Basically, this is the next best thing to wearing a literal blanket when you're on the go. Not only is it deemed socially acceptable, it's also extremely fashionable if you wear it right.

5) A knit dress.

You can substitute this with an oversized sweater, too. Pair it with over the knee socks and boots, and you're good to go.

6) A turtleneck sweater.

Step out of your comfort zone and wear a damn turtleneck. You'll feel warm & cozy and look like you should be at an important business meeting.

7) Cabin socks.

These are a gift to winter. Going to bed? Wear cabin socks. Going to school or work? Wear cabin socks. Playing in the snow? Cabin socks.

Perfect for any and EVERY occasion.

8) Faux fur stoles.

Again, this might just be my inner '60s woman coming out, but come on. Faux fur stoles are beyond gorgeous and they'll go perfectly with your statement coat.

9) Gloves, mittens, and everything in between.

Whether you knit them yourself or buy them, you're gonna need them. I personally recommend mittens with removable fingertips or ones with touch-screen capability in the fingertips to be more convenient overall.

10) BOOTS. Long & short.

Just because....snow. And the ones from last year are ruined by the salt.

Stay warm, it'll be here before we know it. I'm already starting my countdown to Summer '17.

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